Sunday 13 April 2014

Grooming Is One of a Dog's Basic Needs

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  Canine hygiene is far more important than a lot of pet owners think. It’s not just a bath to smell nice; it is far more than that. Your pet’s hygiene plays an important role in his/her health and happiness. From head to toe; teeth to nails, and everything in between these are the basic needs (and rights) of a domestic pet. As pet owners we need to provide these basic needs; it is our obligation from the moment we accept a pet into our life. It’s quite sad to say that the number of people who do not understand this concept far out weighs the people who do. In my line of business I encounter a minimum of three pets every work day, who are deprived of these needs, or neglected until the point that it cannot be procrastinated any longer, in some cases ordered by the S.P.C.A.(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) to have their dog groomed because it is bordering on animal cruelty. In extreme cases like this one owners can face jail time for neglecting to groom their pets; it is a form of animal cruelty.

  Grooming your pet doesn't have to mean spending copious amounts of money. A grooming salon offers a service at a fee, that’s not to say that you can’t invest the time and educate yourself on how to groom your pet yourself at a fraction of the cost (tools need to be purchased, such as clippers scissors etc). The internet can be a use full tool to help you learn how to shave your pet’s coat off, trim his/her nails, clean their ears and brush their teeth. However; if this is not something you would feel comfortable doing or prefer not to take the time and energy to do so, then paying the fees for the service provided at a grooming salon is in turn your responsibility as a pet owner.

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